Velvet Legends

Velvet Legends

we do it because

we want to raise awareness

We are an Entertainment Community Platform where selected Entertainment professionals are coming together to tell us their stories. 

NOT just where they come from and how they got there. It’s about the mental strength each one had to develop in this competitive industry.

 We explore our Legends´mindsets, industry insights, and interesting happenings throughout their journey. 

It is of great importance to raise awareness within the Entertainment industry on how ART is created and how much effort every single worker has to put in,  for the performer to bow their head.

The Name VELVET LEGENDS comes from the Red Theatre Main Curtain, which originally was made of Velvet. The red color was chosen back in the day because the spotlight gave the highest contrast and best visibility to the audience when pointing at the performer.

As we are giving selected Entertainment individuals the possibility to tell their stories and educate People on how art is created, we are gratefully addressing them as Legends.

Therefore, Velvet Legends.


Entertainment Community



You’ll connect with people like yourself, who enjoy learning and growing, and want to be surrounded by other people that share your passion for art and technology.

Members will also find new opportunities to build relationships that could help them advance their business opportunities or just have fun sharing and networking.



Our Legends section is an extension of our core mission: to tell stories that go beyond the surface. It’s the place where we show you a different side of your favorite stars and every day Legends.

From Dancers and Directors to Screenwriters and Bus drivers we share their stories with you to give you an insight into how we create art

Next generation


Velvet Legends® is a platform that gives exposure to projects that need help.

So, whether it’s a Dance lesson, Kickstarter for an Indie Movie, or a girl who can’t afford her violin, we can gather attention, and give exposure to those in need.

We believe there are not enough platforms where projects can be presented to the whole world

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You can unsubscribe anytime at the buttom of the email. 

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